Net Zero


Declaration of Participation – Community Member Company

Our company recognises the importance of making a full and lasting commitment to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our activities, in support of the wider commitment of the world to limit global temperature increases and the impact on the planet. As a signatory member of the FNZ CBN Expert SME Community we commit to the following:

1. For our company to achieve Net Zero in line with the Science Based targets set out by the UNFCCC i.e. to achieve Net Zero no later than 2050 and target a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030.

2. To set realistic short and long term targets that are designed to achieve our Net Zero commitments.

3. To report the total Greenhouse Gas emissions of our business regularly and for our performance to be part of the Community’s annual reporting back to the UNFCCC.

We acknowledge that our commitment will be reported on the FNZ CBN Expert SME Community website.

Bridge Civil Engineering Ltd made its pledge to the Race to Zero via the FNZ CBN Expert Community on 29th July 2021. The record of the pledge can be found at Balanced Energy Race to Zero - future Net Zero.

Benchmark Certification

Bridge Civil Engineering Ltd